Friday, August 19, 2011

Flood - backflow valves

From a Brisbane City Councillor:

I have been campaigning for months (along with local residents) for Council to take action on backflow valves as a means of potentially reducing some forms of flooding. As you would know, much of the January 2011 flooding in Central Ward was the result of floodwaters travelling back up Council stormwater drains. If backflow valves are installed it is more than likely that in the future that type of flooding could be avoided. While back-flow valves are not a "silver bullet", they at least hold the prospect of reducing future floods in similar circumstances.

The Council has finally agreed to conduct an inquiry, and will be holding some information sessions in September for residents of New Farm and the CBD.

While the dates haven't been set yet, if you want to attend these sessions apparently you have to register. So, I encourage anyone who has an interest to register online. You will be notified when session details are available.


David Hinchliffe

Councillor for Central Ward

Brisbane City Council

Phone: 07 3403 0254

Fax: 07 3403 0256

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