Monday, August 11, 2014

Dog v. Body Corporate Committee - Dog Wins Again

Harbour Lights [2014] QBCCMCmr 264 (21 July 2014)


In McKenzie v Body Corporate for Kings Row Centre, the scheme in question was a high rise building. Despite this, the Tribunal found the scheme could prima facie be suitable for the keeping of pets. Following this decision, I am not satisfied the unit in question is inappropriate for the keeping of this dog merely because it is a ‘unit’ (as opposed to a house or other dwelling type) or contained in a high density housing area. Further, I note that no evidence whatsoever has been presented to suggest that the dog in question is too large or otherwise inappropriate to be housed in the applicant’s unit. Accordingly, I am not satisfied these arguments form a reasonable basis to deny the applicant’s pet request.

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