Sunday, May 12, 2013

Real Estate Rort

The Courier Mail recently had a story regarding a real estate rort that is said to be ruining the lives of thousands.  An extract:

"Using cold calls, home visits and high-pressure seminars, marketing agents ramp up fear of an impoverished retirement to push gullible mum and dad investors into buying investment real estate.
They promise a low weekly cost to negatively gear properties, high rents and the certainty of strong capital growth in suburbs well outside of the Brisbane CBD.
But many of the units and townhouses' capital growth has been largely absent, with most buyers only learning the sad truth if they go to list the property for re-sale.
Investors have also found their weekly costs are higher than expected, putting pressure on household budgets. Rents are often far less than predicted and supposed waiting lists of tenants never materialise...."

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