Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Apartment Body Corporate Fees

"Apartment buyers should avoid paying for lifestyle amenities already on their doorstep.  Minimising strata fees is increasingly a priority for apartment buyers eager to make sure the quarterly payments for the upkeep of their buildings don't take too much of a chunk out of their income.  So where there's a public gym or pool near a block, developers will often avoid including them in their plans for the complex to keep costs down."
Source:  Domain Advertorial

Here are some example body corporate levies for a random selection of apartments in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast:
  • City, one bed - $5,200 a year
  • South Bank, two bed - $6,000 a year
  • City, two bed - $7,000 a year
  • City, two bed - $5,800 a year
  • Suburbs, one bed - $4,400 a year
  • Suburbs, two bed - $4,000 a year
  • Suburbs, two bed - $4,900 a year
  • Noosa, one bed - $5,129 a year
  • Mooloolaba, two bed - $11,820 a year

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